Karlie Ward

Front-end developer based in Idaho

image of Karlie Ward

High Desert Milk

image of dairy milk plant

Project 1

The occumulation of new coding skills concluded in creating this first project. Building this project I learned the foundational skeleton of coding such as HTML and CSS. I soon discovered that I really enjoyed it and blended my new skills with some of family roots to create a landing page about High Desert Milk.

Lauch Project

Weather Application

image of weather project

Project 2

Throughout my second project I furthered my foundational base of JavaScript. By incorporating an API address I was able to build a weather application where you can enter locations throughout the world to find a six day forecast as well as current temperature, visibility, wind speed and the "feels like" temperature. Of course, this project was heavily focused on Javascript so the know-how was cruicial for project development, but the project also delved deeper into CSS elements and overall design.

Lauch Project

Portfolio Project

image of website

Project 3

Leveling up my technique turned into this new project: a project portolio. And you're here! Take a look around! All of this was built from scratch, as in, blood, sweat, and tears... and lots of backspacing.

Lauch Project